This super easy PowerPoint teaching display hack will have your bulletin boards looking gorgeous in no time.

1. Create a blank publication and delete the automatic titles.
2. Resize your slide, click on Design Tab and choose the Slide Size drop down menu.

3. Choose Custom Size and change the dimensions to Portrait width 21cm, height 29.7cm.
4. Place a text box and choose your font.
5. Make it huge! For this design, I chose 600!
6. Add the image that you want to use for your text fill.

7. Lay the image to cover the text.
8. Select both the image and the text.
9. Click on the Shape Format tab.

10. On the left-hand side, below where the 'Edit Shape' and 'Text Box' is situated, is the 'Merge Shapes' (it looks like two overlapping circles), click this and choose 'Intersect'.
